All posts by Graphic

Twitter layout redesign brings new ideas

Since the recent Twitter introduction of a more rounded design – including profile picture now in a perfect circle – a lot of brands and personal accounts are using it in a creative and dynamic way. Here we tried to imagine Heinz Ketchup and Adidas

The Netflix-generation code of Adidas Originals ad

… and why it works. When you have budget and clever minds behind a production, you may come up with a little masterpiece like Adidas “Original is never finished” one. Grown ups will find it somehow disturbing, and is meant to be, ‘cause teenagers can

8 tipologie di contenuti social

La ricerca di contenuti virali è ovviamente il “sacro Graal” di qualsiasi social manager (e non solo social) nell’era post 2.0. La premessa a questo articolo è ricordarci che spesso i contenuti che diventano virali sono (davvero!) autentici… e senza complessi studi a tavolino alle